Translation: practice

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Berakit-rakit ke hulu berenang-renang ke tepian
No pain no gain
After a storm comes a calm
ADA band menjadi penampil perdana. Dijadwalkan   pukul 15.00 waktu setempat. Donnie cs baru naik panggung sekitar sejam kemudian. (Ha! Masih mengenal jam karet juga rupanya orang Malaysia) Ough! Dibeset jadi lagu pertama.
ADA band became the first performer. To be scheduled at 03.00 pm local time. Donnie and co had just appeared on stage about one hour later (Ha! It turned out that Malaysian was also bad time keeper) Ough! Was taken for the first song.
ADA band became the first performer. Scheduled at 03.00 pm of local time. Donnie and his buddies had just appeared on stage about one hour later (Ha! Malaysian was not on time people also after all) Ough! Was played as the opening song.
Sebaliknya, mentalitas yang dimiliki priyayi Jawa banyak dipengaruhi oleh orientasi masa lampau. Rutinitas kantor dan kehidupan rumah tangga priyayi diisi dengan rasa sentiment terhadap benda-benda pusaka yang banyak menaruh perhatian pada mitologi, silsilah karya-karya pujangga kuno dan diselingi oleh upacara-upacara rumit untuk memelihara benda pusaka.
On the hand, the mentality of the Javanese aristocrat influenced by the past orientation. The office and household routine are filled sentimental feeling toward the heirloom items, concerning with the mythology, the genealogy the letter men’s works and the complex ritual to preserve their heirlooms as the interlude.
On the other hand, the mentality of the Javanese aristocrats is influenced by the past’s orientation. Their office and household routine are filled by the sentimental feeling toward the heirloom items which concerning a lot on mythology, the genealogy of man of letter’s works and interspaced by complex ritual to preserve the heirlooms.
Di bawah kepemimpinan Karel Agung bala tentara Frank menaklukkan orang-orang Saxon di Jerman Utara yang terbentang antara Sungai Elbe dan daerah-daerah yang dihuni orang-orang Friss.
Under Charemagne leadership, Frank’s troops conquered Saxon---which stretched out between Elbe River in North Germany and region of Friss.
Under Charlemagne leadership, the Frank’s troops conquered the Saxon in North Germany which is stretched out between Elbe River and region of Friss.
Penculikan Shinta
Kidnapping of Shinta
The Abduction of Shinta


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